A changing perspective on growth: Improving together

On June 7th, I attended the annual event of the Goldschmeding Foundation where we learnt about the progress of several projects that are funded by the foundation, and listened to an inspiring keynote by Roanne van Voorst, anthropologist of the future.

Main takeaway: we can change societies for the better by collaborating! :)

The aftermovie can be viewed here.

Podcast | What does your skin colour say about your opportunities and possibilities?

I highly recommend listening to this meaningful conversation between Sharda Alibux and the producers of the Podcast Diversitijd! in which they discuss the influence of skin color on employees’ opportunities and the importance of monitoring using tools like the Netherlands Inclusivity Monitor (NIM).

13,000 CVs dropped with exactly the same qualities, just a different skin colour. The results showed that people with a non-white skin color were 117% less likely to get hired! Sharda Alibux, a member of team open hiring Start Foundation and responsible for New business development at the NIM, is concerned with getting relevant companies on board to monitor diversity and inclusiveness within the organization. How diverse is the group of employees, is everyone enjoying themselves, what is the work climate like? Many companies are doing a lot on D&I, but the results are marginal. During job interviews, toe-curling questions and prejudices are still put on the table! In this episode, the amazement is once again evident, and Sharda gets the men speechless. Listen soon!

Curious? Listen to the podcast!

InclusieNL - Diversity at work - Goldschmeding Foundation

Organizational Humanness and its Relation to Leadership

I am very proud of Marjon Bohré, PhD student at Leiden University, for very systematically summarizing the scientific literature on humanness in organizations and, thus, exposing the gaps in our knowledge on the subject!

The conclusion of this scoping review? Little is known in the scientific field about humanness in organizations and even less about this topic in relation to leadership. There is growing research on the topic. However, besides the studies that examine dehumanization in organizations and the influence of negative leadership, research that informs us on the influence of positive leadership behavior on increasing humanity in organizations is also needed.

📖 Curious? You can read the scoping review here.

Effective Ways to Reduce Prejudice Against Sexual and Gender Identity Minorities

With Pride Month coming up, I would like share this informative blog by Florien Cramwinckel in which she summarizes, among other things, our literature review on evidence-based interventions to reduce prejudice based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

📖 Interested in the blog? Click here.

📖 Interested in our scientific article? Click here.

🔍 If you want to know more about evidence-based interventions to reduce prejudice based on sexual orientation and gender identity, you can read our literature review.

© Unsplash

International Workplace Pride Conference

I had the pleasure of attending the international Workplace Pride conference on May 26th in the wonderful setting of the Utrecht Railway Museum. Given this location, the panel conversation I contributed to with Michiel Kolman 🏳️‍🌈 and Ikenna Azuike was appropriately titled All Aboard. In this session,  I could elaborate what works (effectively and scientifically) in LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion! Thanks to the tireless efforts of the Worplace Pride staff, leadership and volunteers 💜

A video summary of the event can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/mtn75udm

Credit: Workplace Pride Foundation

Podcast Diversitijd | Bottlenecks and opportunities in D&I policy

In the new episode of the podcast Diversitijd, I talked to Hannelore Zwitserlood, Renzo Deurloo, and Occo Lijding about the bottlenecks and opportunities in the D&I policy of organizations and the importance of monitoring (e.g., via exit interviews) to deepen this policy.

During the discussion, various insights and practical recommendations from our research project Het moet wel werken, together with Diversity at work, InclusieNL and Goldschmeding Foundation were discussed.

Listen to the podcast here, or on your favorite podcast app.

Diversity Day Inspiration Session

How can organizations create support for diversity and inclusion policy? Amar Bissumbhar asked me this question at the Diversity Day Inspiration Session on 11 May. I gave concrete tips based on our research, and was inspired by the contributions of Mohan Verstegen (he/him), Cheryl McDowall, Sharmila Angoelal and Navin Bhagwat.

💡 You can watch the inspiration session here

📸 Click here for photo’s to get an impression of the inspiration session.

📖 Curious the research I talked about during this session? Click here!

Government signs Declaration of Amsterdam

Last May 17, on IDAHOBIT, the Dutch government signed the Declaration of Amsterdam. In doing so, the government underlines its ambition to commit to improving the position of LGBTIQ+ colleagues in the workplace.

I was invited to explain the scientific rationale of the declaration in a panel discussion with Boris Dittrich, human rights activist and senator, Marjan Hammersma, secretary-general of OCW, and Christine Holtkamp, relationship manager at Workplace Pride.

It was a wonderful day, with poignant personal stories and reflections, beautiful music and dance, and a clear message to the Government as an employer to live up to its ambitions.

The event can be watched here

Interuniversity Network on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Kick-Off Event

Earlier this year, Valentina Di Stasio and I established the Interuniversity Network on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, with the aim of facilitating exchange between academics from Dutch universities and universities of applied sciences, working on topics related to the themes of diversity and inclusion in organizational settings. We aim to promote interdisciplinary exchange on our ongoing work, with a view on future collaborations in the form of co-creation of research and dissemination. Network members are, among others, experts on the topics of workplace inclusion, diversity policies, and inclusive leadership and their expertise spans many disciplines, such as applied data science and statistics, economics, and organizational and social psychology.

On May 10, we had a very successful kick-off meeting! During the meeting, members of the network got to know each other, shared interests, and discussed future network activities.

Are you a practitioner in the field of diversity, equity and inclusion who would like to be kept informed of our insights and events? Please sign up for our regular newsletter!