Toward effective and evidence-based diversity policy

The Netherlands Inclusivity Monitor (NIM) has been launched!

With the aim of bridging science and society, my research group at Utrecht University has teamed up with the National Integration Fund in developing an instrument to monitor organizations' diversity and inclusion practices and their impact.

The National Integration Fund is an initiative by CEO's of big corporations to contribute to a better and more integrated society through an evidence-based approach to diversity. We survey its D&I policy and employee perceptions, screen our findings in light of the latest scientific insights, and identify where progress can still be made. By repeating this annually and by benchmarking between organizations, we can monitor the progress and determine best practices.

See the press release (in Dutch) for more information or go to


Inaugural speech Prof. dr. Astrid Homan

Astrid Homan has been appointed professor of Organisational Psychology at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

On the 13th of October, she held her inaugural speech “Four Differences! The Many Faces of Diversity”. In her speech, Astrid highlights the complexity of effective diversity management, and calls for an evidence-based approach. By working in an evidence-based way, she argues, it is possible to help employees, leaders, and organisations bring people with different backgrounds and ideas closer together, thereby utilising and emphasizing the positive side of diversity. You can read her full speech here in Dutch.

Photo Credit: Gillissen

Photo Credit: Gillissen

Join the upcoming Political Psychology Platform meeting

Political Psychology Meeting
October 26 2017


10.00-10.30     Coffee and Tea

10.30-11.30       Rene Bekkers (Free University Amsterdam – Sociology)  
Mega-analysis of generalized social trust

 11.30-12.30      Honorata Mazepus (Leiden University – Public Administration)
How are citizens’ judgements about international cooperation shaped?
Experimental evidence from the Eastern periphery of Europe.

 12.30-14.00     Lunch

 14.00-15.00    Mark Brandt (Tilburg University – Social Psychology)
Belief system networks.

 15.00-16.00     Alessandro Nai (University of Amsterdam – Political Communication and
Charismatic leaders, provocateurs, or drunken dinner guests? Personality
reputation of populist and non-populist candidates worldwide.

  16.00-17.00     Drinks

EASP 2017: Organizational Behaviour and Gender

I had the pleasure of chairing the symposium “Organizational Behavior and Gender” at the 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). During this symposium I presented my work “Resisting Change: The Joint Influences of System Justification and Self-Interest on Diversity Policy Support”. In two studies, we found that system- and self-serving motivations jointly influence people’s diversity attitudes.

Want to see more? Some interviews and keynote lectures from GM EASP 2017 can be found here.

Publication: Comfortably Numb

Alexandra Suppes presented our work “Comfortably numb: The palliative effects of system justification on the health and happiness of members of the LGBTQ+ community” during the Hierarchies and Inequality symposium at the 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) in Granada, Spain.

This research shows that members of sexual and gender identity minority groups are buffered in their well-being if they deny that their group is discriminated against. After accounting for personal discrimination respondents have faced, denial of LGBTQ+ group discrimination is associated with greater subjective well-being and health. 

You can now access the full paper here.